Can I configure the execution of an application (the executed cycles)?

You are able to configure most of the states in which the current application is being executed by the →runtime system.

Advanced user

The configuration and the following instruction is aimed at advanced users!
If you are not sure about some steps or the effects, Neuron advised not to change the configuration. Moreover, back up your system data before making any changes so that you can restore the original data, if you experience any problems.

Graphical survey:


Explanation on the states (meanings: (tick) = yes; (error) = no):


Meaning for application


Activated by default?

Init state

The application is executed in the initial state. The state can be deactivated/activated by means of a configuration file for the runtime system.
If the initial cycle is activated (this is the default), it is executed as a single cycle after the execution has been started. After this initial state, the application passes into the run state. A period between initial and run state is not defined and cannot be defined by the user.



Run state

The application is executed within the normal operation. You cannot deactivate the execution of the run state.
The run state is applied after the initial state (several cycles are possible in the run state), until the execution is stopped or the runtime system license expires (if you are operating the runtime system as a demo version).



Shutdown state

Stopping the application is being prepared. The state can be deactivated/activated by means of a configuration file for the runtime system. Moreover, the execution period of the state may be defined by means of a configuration file for the runtime system.
By default, the shutdown state is deactivated. If the shutdown cycle is activated, it is executed after the execution has been stopped (several cycles are possible in the shutdown state). The default configuration specifies a period of 3 seconds for the execution of the shutdown state.

(incl. execution period)


Term state

The application is within the last cycle before the application passes into the stop state. The state can be deactivated/activated by means of a configuration file for the runtime system.
If the term state is activated (this is the default), it is executed as a single cycle before the code execution is finally stopped. A period between the previous state and the term state is not defined and cannot be defined by the user.



Stop state

The application is not executed. You cannot deactivate the execution of the stop state.
The application can pass into the stop state due to the following reasons:

The execution has been stopped.

The runtime system license has expired (if you are operating the runtime system as demo version).



How to configure these states:

  1. If the runtime system is running, terminate the runtime system. If you are using the built-in PLC, stop it.

  2. Open a command prompt on the target system or PC where the runtime system or Neuron Power Engineer (if the built-in PLC is used) has been installed.
    Change to sub-directory PLC of the runtime system installation directory.
    If you are using the built-in PLC, go to the Windows folder where you installed Neuron Power Engineer. Then go to this sub-folder: plugins\com.logicals.ptk.win32.win_x.y.z\rts (x.y.z is a placeholder for the respective version number of Neuron Power Engineer.)

  3. Open file RTSIO.cfg in any text editor, search for the line Flags and change the entered value to one of the following values.
    (warning) These values are applied for →tasks with a cycle time ≠ 0 (= for a periodic execution).


    Activated states



    run state + stop state

    Run state and stop state are always activated – no matter which value is entered in the line. 


    init state + run state + stop state



    run state + term state + stop state



    init state + run state + term state + stop state

    Line Flags 3 is entered in the default configuration.
    Therefore, all states but the shutdown state are activated. 


    run state + shutdown state + stop state



    init state + run state + shutdown state + stop state



    run state + shutdown state + term state + stop state



    init state + run state + shutdown state + term state + stop state


  4. Save the changed file RTSIO.cfg.

  5. If you want to define the execution period of the shutdown state, perform the following steps, too:

    1. Open file RTS.cfg in any text editor, search for the following lines and change the entered value (the values are interpreted as milliseconds). 




      AddSymbol Shutdown.Timeout

      period for execution of the shutdown state
      Neuron recommends a period of 3 seconds at most (= value 3000 or less).
      If you specify a longer period, Neuron Power Engineer might report a timeout when loading/stopping the application.

      AddSymbol Shutdown.Timeout 3000

      AddSymbol Shutdown.CheckDelay

      check interval for sequence of Shutdown.Timeout

      AddSymbol Shutdown.CheckDelay 500


      only possible for Windows and platform LinuxX86: activate or deactivate the init state for →tasks with a cycle time 0 (= for a triggered execution)
      In case of value 0 ( = default behavior), the init state is deactivated for these tasks. In case of other values, the init state is activated.

      TriggeredTasks.HaveInitCycle 1

    2. Save the changed file RTS.cfg.

  6. Restart the runtime system on the Windows PC. If you are using the built-in PLC, start it.

Consider the possible effect, if you have deactivated the init state, shutdown state and/or term state: Concerning the RTSCycleInfo block, its outputs evaluating the status of the appropriate state will always return value FALSE (or an equivalent)